Saturday, August 6, 2011

Needle Work

Work a row of straight stitches, leaving the width of a stitch between every adjoining stitch. Make a second row of stitches in the same manner but interlock them with the first row of stitches. If you turn your work on its side, you will see how the stitches look like a brick surface.

This stitch is used for dots. Bring needle up, wrap thread around point of needle, then insert needle close to where needle emerged. Just be sure that it is not in the exact spot where thread emerged or knot will pull through. Draw thread to wrong side, holding knot in place with left thumb.
First work a cross stitch with the arms on the straight. Then work a second cross stitch over the first, making the second in the usual way. Next work a small cross stitch over the first two, tying them down.
First make a row of holbein stitch along guide line. Next make tiny close stitches over holbein stitches, picking up as little fabric as possible.
First work long vertical stitches across the given area. make sure they are evenly spaced. Then work long horizontal stitches over the first stitches. Tie stitches in place at each intersection with a half cross stitch or a full cross stitch. For an even more decorative effect  try making a french knot or star filling stitch in the center of each square

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